Sedation Dentistry FAQs
Most people are familiar with at least one of the 3 types of sedation dentistry we offer (nitrous oxide sedation, oral sedation, and IV sedation), but there are still sometimes questions surrounding the details of each procedure.
Below are answers to questions patients frequently ask. If you have more questions about sedation dentistry for either yourself or a loved one, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What’s the difference between “sleep dentistry” and “sedation dentistry”?
One of the three types of sedation we provide is oral sedation dentistry. This type of sedation dentistry is sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry” and, ironically, “conscious sedation.” The latter term, technically, is more accurate, because you do not actually sleep during your treatment. You are awake, but comfortable and relaxed, and after the dental procedure, you probably won’t remember much about your time in the dental chair or the treatment. An hour may pass, but it’ll feel more like just minutes.
Which type of sedation dentistry is best overall?
There is no “best” type of sedation dentistry. Nitrous oxide sedation dentistry is the least expensive option, but what’s right for you will depend on your anxiety about dental procedures, the type of dental treatment that’s required, and your individual needs. We can explain all of the sedation dentistry options, including oral sedation vs. IV sedation, and how they are administered, during a complimentary consultation.
What are the benefits of sedation dentistry?
The primary benefit of sedation dentistry – whichever type you choose – is that it allows you to be treated by a dentist, without worry or anxiety.
Will my dental insurance plan cover sedation dentistry?
Reimbursement for sedation dentistry varies from dental insurance company to dental insurance company, not just in Denver and Colorado, but across the U.S. In some instances, sedation dentistry is covered, typically with wisdom teeth extractions and periodontal scalings and root planings. For a specific answer to this question, contact us, and we can help you decipher your dental insurance coverage.
Can I drive myself to my dental appointment?
That depends on the type of sedation dentistry you choose. With nitrous oxide sedation dentistry (laughing gas), you can drive, but we recommend that you allow extra time after your appointment to rest in our waiting area until all of the effects of the sedation have worn off. With oral sedation dentistry and IV sedation dentistry, you will need someone to accompany you to your appointment, and you’ll need a responsible caregiver to stay with you for two to four hours at your home.
What are your other questions about sedation dentistry? Just contact our dental office, and we’ll be happy to provide you with more specific information, based on your individual needs.
For further questions about sedation dentistry, or to schedule a sedation consultation, please call or send an e-mail:
Sedation Dentist in Denver / Centennial – I-25 and Dry Creek, in Centennial, please call (303) 309-0749,